Game Dev's Life Pivot: The Tale of Rocket League Garage's Unexpected Closure

Greg Burn


Game Dev's Life Pivot: The Tale of Rocket League Garage's Unexpected Closure

The video game scene has been hit with a surprising announcement with massive effects on an integral part of the Rocket League community. Berlin-based designer Laurids "Vicegold" Düllman is reeling from the sudden news that the player-to-player trading system of Rocket League, the basis of his livelihood, will be shut down in December.

Vicegold, alongside mobile developer Donnie "AlbinoPeacock” and backend developer Serubi, runs the popular site Rocket League Garage. This platform, which helps coordinate trades and transactions between players, relies heavily on the now-doomed trading system of Rocket League. The forthcoming changes have sent a ripple of shock and disappointment through the sentimental community of traders and gamers alike.

Rocket League developer Psyonix opted for silence when it came to explaining the sudden shift. But Vicegold's relationship with Psyonix goes back a long time. His site, launched initially as a way for alpha testers to share game codes, has been supported and recognized by the developers in the past. However, the heart of the website, constituting 90% of its traffic, has been the trading aspect, which is now set to disappear.

The developers' decision to abolish the trading system has left major questions hanging in the air. The effects on the game's most dedicated players - the big traders, who most value the tradable items - reflect how disjointed this move appears, especially considering the game's community-based aspects. Vicegold and his team have mixed feelings, but they respect the developers' rights over their game - even if they do not agree with the direction taken.

Finally, the ordeal has prompted Vicegold to reconsider future business choices. The vulnerability of basing a venture on the decisions of another company has been highlighted in a harsh manner. While the team plans to develop non-trading-related features and try to steer the site in a new direction, this experience has served as an entrepreneurial lesson for many. Indeed, it is a reminder to innovators across industries to seek autonomy and rely less on things beyond their control.
