Google Chat Introduces Starred Messages Feature on Mobile Apps

Greg Burn


Google Chat Introduces Starred Messages Feature on Mobile Apps

Google Chat's interface has witnessed several modifications since the previous year, starting with a new bottom navigation bar on its mobile versions and moving to a redesigned logo consistent with other Google Workspace applications. Now, Google Chat is receiving a fresh visual enhancement with the integration of the Starred messages feature for both iOS and Android users.

The feature, which facilitates message organization by allowing users to highlight crucial conversations, first appeared on the web edition of Google Chat in November, according to an announcement on the Workspace blog. Its expansion to mobile platforms necessitates the reorganization of the bottom navigation bar. The Mentions icon is now nestled within a three-dot overflow menu inside the rounded rectangular section beside the newly introduced Starred option. Previously, the Mentions function occupied a dedicated spot on the navigation bar, but this change aims to streamline the user experience for managing significant messages.

Users will soon be able to send star messages with a simple long press followed by selecting the star icon. Messages can be unstarred through the new shortcut or by revisiting the message. Google indicates that these updates will gradually roll out to all Google Chat mobile app users, including both personal account holders and Workspace subscribers, though it may take some time for the feature to be uniformly available.

In addition to the Chat updates, Google announced further enhancements across its Workspace suite. For Gmail mobile users, deterring spam has been made more straightforward with an Unsubscribe button positioned prominently above the email. This feature was previously less accessible, hidden in the app's three-dot menu, and its arrival was anticipated after previous coverage by AssembleDebug.

Gmail's web interface is also refining the Unsubscribe dialogue box, adding a feature that allows users to report unwanted emails as spam. This new functionality highlights Google's commitment to safeguarding Gmail users from unsolicited emails and improving overall email management.

In a move syncing with updates to other Google apps such as Drive, the Gmail application for tablets and foldable devices is set to adopt a sidebar for navigation. This sidebar, known as a navigation rail, has sporadically appeared on Gmail for tablets since December. Foldable smartphone users have experienced the navigation rail since at least July, hinting that Google is progressively implementing these changes across devices.
